". . . little shall I grace my cause

In speaking for myself. Yet, by your gracious patience,

I will a round unvarnish'd tale deliver . . ."

(William Shakespeare's Othello, I.iii.88-90)

Sunday, March 30, 2008

Work in Progress

My previous post introducing Laymen, Etc. includes a test run of a graphic designed by a friend (I'll leave it to her to make her identity known in the comment box if she wants). Feedback is invited. What is your reaction to the graphic? The intent is to symbolically represent the idea of lay people working together to support the proclamation of the Gospel unencumbered by institutional trappings. What do you think? Does the graphic successfully communicate that idea, or do you get another message? Your thoughts are appreciated.


Anonymous said...

The graphic is pretty, but I didn't get Laymen, Etc., even reading the site (and my letter on it!) until you explained it. Thank you.

I don't think people can do things together without institutional trappings. The best you can do is to change the institution. And when you have an institution, it's liable to change. I never thought the Lutheran church, particularly the LCMS, could end up with such division and poor thinking as it has. It seems as though our institutions are as captive to our sinful natures as we are ourselves.

I sure hope we get Issues, Etc. back in one form or another. There's a huge hole in my ipod without it.

Elephantschild said...

Reading the above comment reminds me that the grand poo0bahs of Laymen, Etc. need to craft and tight, clean statement of what they are.

Personally, I think the graphic is a GREAT button, but it's too color-dependent and too big for an actual logo. :) Hee, hee.