". . . little shall I grace my cause

In speaking for myself. Yet, by your gracious patience,

I will a round unvarnish'd tale deliver . . ."

(William Shakespeare's Othello, I.iii.88-90)

Wednesday, August 1, 2007


It will be a quiet week here at the Round Unvarnish'd Tale. I am busily anticipating and preparing for a gathering of Lutheran homeschooling families to take place at my church this weekend. Most but not all subscribe to Martin Loopers, a listserv for confessional Lutheran homeschoolers to which I also subscribe. Some I have already had the pleasure of meeting in person, but others I have not (although we have "met" and conversed online). It promises to be a great day of food, fun and fellowship for children and their parents alike as we relax, play, and encourage each other in our homeschooling journeys. I am particularly excited that I will finally get to meet the Rebellious Pastor's Wife, one of the smartest and most interesting women I have discovered in the blogosphere. In fact, she and her family will be spending the weekend at my house! Check back next week for a full report and photos.

In the meantime, here are a couple of short but thought-provoking links. First, read about an Algerian prisoner at Guantanamo Bay who is fighting to stay in a U.S. prison rather than be returned to his own country.

Second, take a peek at socialized medicine in practice and find out why Tom Cruise would be considered too fat to get a hip replacement if he lived in the United Kingdom.

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